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Team Spotlight: The MOD Project

The Men Of Dance (MOD) Project is an independent team, based in Chicago, where all but a few of their members are from UIC. Several of the dancers were on various teams prior to joining The MOD Project. Some of these teams included Chicago Dhamaal (co-ed fusion), UIC Nazaara (co-ed bollywood), UIC Dangeraas, and Ministry of Bhangra. During the 2013-2014 season, some of the dancers, from these various teams, decided to get together and put on an all guys desi fusion performance at the annual India Night Show at UIC. What originally began as a fun showcase idea, in which they jokingly called their act "The Ministry Of Dhazaara," or MOD with a different meaning, had amazing feedback. The audience went wild and said it was very entertaining to watch. Combined, they all loved breaking out of their creative comfort zones and decided to ban together to officially compete in the circuit. They just finished their second competitive year, with a bang, by placing second at Bollywood America (or Nationals) and also receiving an award for the Best All Male Team of the Year.

Team Spotlight: GMU Bhangra

GMU Bhangra was established in 2007 by a group of Punjabi-Indian students. Their goal was to spread the Punjabi culture, within their college and community, through traditional folk dance. This year, they have gone above and beyond expectations and placed second at the most prestigious collegiate competition in the nation, Bhangra Blowout 23. Their technique, creativity, and boldness have put them on the map and now they are a force to be reckoned with!