Buy Tickets Here:
Students/Faculty: $10
General Admission: $15
This Saturday, the South-Asian socio-cultural organization at North Carolina State University, Ektaa, is organizing its annual premier event of the year. Oak City Revolution, powered by Saavn, is the first ever Bollywood-Fusion Dance Competition to be held in the city of Raleigh, North Carolina. EIGHT of the nation's best Bollywood-Fusion dance teams will compete in the newly renovated Stewart Theater in Talley Student Center on NC State University's campus!
Check out Oak City Revolution's Mixtape by DJ Ruckiss below!
More than just a Bollywood Dance Competition, Oak City Revolution has chosen two beneficiaries for their event: PRATHAM USA & TEACHING FOR TOMORROW.
Pratham USA
Pratham is the first major organization to achieve lasting, wide-scale success in educating India’s youth. Their mission is to improve the quality of education in India and to ensure that all children in India are not only attending but also thriving in school. Using very low-cost and scalable methods, Pratham works in collaboration with the government, local communities, parents, teachers and volunteers across the country to achieve its mission. Please visit prathamusa.org to learn more!
Teaching for Tomorrow
Teaching for Tomorrow's mission is to help impoverished illiterate children by raising the literacy rate of impoverished and underprivileged areas of the world. 100% of all donated funds go towards rebuilding schools, providing school supplies and meals, and providing facilities necessary for continued academic development (medical clinics, computers, internet access, etc.) Every project has different needs, but every dollar received goes towards helping these kids learn and be better.
Please visit teachingfortomorrowinc.com to learn more!
Meet the Teams